French professional surfer, renowned for his exceptional skills and competitive spirit on the world surf scene. Born on April 27, 1988, in Réunion Island, France, Jeremy’s passion for surfing ignited at a young age. Growing up on the island, surrounded by some of the most challenging and beautiful waves in the world, he honed his skills in an environment that helped shape his future as a top-tier surfer.
Jeremy rose to prominence in the surfing world as a teenager, turning professional in his late teens. His breakthrough came in 2010 when he became the first French surfer to win a World Surf League (WSL) event.
Known for his aggressive and dynamic style, Jeremy excels in powerful, heavy surf. His performances in iconic waves like Pipeline in Hawaii and the challenging breaks of his home island of Réunion have made him a standout on the World Tour. Throughout his career, he has showcased remarkable consistency, with multiple top 10 finishes in the WSL rankings.
Career Highlights
2019 - Quiksilver Pro France (WCT)
2017 - Billabong Pipe Master (WCT)
2015 - Billabong Pro Teahupoo (WCT)
2010 - Billabong Pipe Master (WCT)
Quiksilver, JS Industries, FCS, Moskova